

  • Thank you everyone for all the advice, I definately feel better and a lot more optimistic! I guess it's easy to think your the only person who has a binge! And thanks @ Shadow2Soul - That is a really good way of working it out, I struggle with that side of things so thank you for laying it out for me! I have saved that for…
  • That is actually very true, I tend to not have breakfast till about 10am yet I start work at half 7. I just don't feel hungry to later but I really should eat when I get to work. I know that does make me feel hungry all day even after I eat, if I eat too many carbs I just end up feeling sick but then I'm hungry again half…
  • Thank you so much for your help! I definately need to retrain the way I think, I am so controlled by food to the point of it being irrational. I need to learn how to treat myself without going overboard or feeling so guilty that I do a hardcore workout every day for a week after to make up for it. I wish it was as easy to…
  • Thats true, I hadn't thought of it like that! I've always considered it my problem but never an addiction. Actually makes me see other ways to deal with it when I look at it like that! Thank you..x
  • UK here too...literally just joined!