DesireeNL Member


  • You look great! You have come a long way and what you did is a huge accomplishment! :-) I do recognize how you feel though. I haven't lost as much but it took me over a decade to reach a healthy BMI. I remember the first time I got close to a healthy weight how disappointed I felt, I didn't look anywhere near I had…
  • Don't try to make unrealistic changes to your eating habits. Don't tell yourself you have to live off salads and yoghurt every day, and that you can't have any 'bad' foods. Make small changes, eat smaller portions, maybe cut out a can of soda each day, or cut back on juices. Small things. Don't restrict yourself, you can…
  • I've been in your shoes and I hope you don't end up in mine, so here's my story. I just turned 33 and this year I finally reached a healthy BMI for the first time in approximately 13 years. I was a slim and healthy teenager, but between age 19 to 21 I packed on a lot of weight. And then I gained some more. By age 25 I was…
  • Adam Sandler People who don't say thanks when I hold the door open, let them cut the line at the store or pick up something they dropped. Family and friendswho after 10 years still don't get that my cat doesn't like to be petted by strangers, and if he makes that specific sound they should not touch him. Most visitors…
  • As a kid I always said I never wanted any. I was a tomboy with short hair, I played with legos rather than dolls and I played soccer (which back then was a boy sport, I played in an all-boy team for several years till I was about 13, since there simply weren't any girl teams) I'm 32 now. I'm not 100% sure anymore. Right…
  • Ah that explains it. I couldn't make sense of the topic title, I thought you were talking about tipping a hedgehog.
  • Hm.. Wonder if Dr Oz is pro or anti.. I remember an episode where he said you have to protect your kids from the dangers of the *gasp* grocery store! Apparently you can get cooties from buying groceries. Ah these shows are almost as entertaining as a good sitcom :-)
  • Wow this is very interesting! Did you create the chart in excel? I'm trying to wrap my head around your formula, do you enter daily how many calories you ate? And do you recalculate your tdee as you lose weight?
  • Isn't it also because there are tons of options for exercise. I think a lot of it simply has to do with personal preference. Picking a sport which they enjoy doing and fits in their schedule. When I was a kid and then teenager I loved playing soccer. As I got older I looked for individual sports like swimming, hiking and…
  • Meh motivation. Honestly I've never felt super motivated. When I look at the quotes and posters people post, I never feel like "YAY I gotta go workout today!" I feel excited about starting something new and noticing small changes yes. Losing weight and getting fit is a long journey, and you just do what you have to do.…
  • Lol, this was actually the first cd I ever bought. I never knew that that's what he is singing :laugh:
  • I'm not going to familiarize myself with IF. I didn't say there's anything wrong with it. People of many cultures have done some sort of fasting for centuries. I only said that what works for weight loss is not necessarily good for your body. And as I said, this is a topic with a million opinions and tons of studies to…
  • You mean great success weight loss wise? What works for weight loss doesn't necessarily mean that it's good for your body. But I guess this is one of those topics with a million opinions and tons of studies to support whatever you believe :wink: I just wanted to point out that a lot of times people who don't eat for hours…
  • From the advice I read in running magazines a lot of people run on empty in the morning. But not eating for such a long time after you got up doesn't sound healthy to me. Your body needs to be fueled throughout the day. Be careful that you are not undereating.
  • :huh: What kind of performance is this? lol :wink: And good luck of course!!
  • Alright, thanks :smile: It's good to know there's an immediate difference, so if that isn't it, it can be ruled out quickly.
  • Did you get an inhaler or other medication? And did you immediately notice a difference?
  • Thank you vardaeml! I looked up the symptoms and it basically sums it all up, the tight feeling in the chest, shortness of breath and unusual fatigue during exercise. I'm definitely going to make an appointment to get it checked out.
  • Thanks for the input ladies! My HR does go down during the walking intervals on my regular runs, it goes down to around 150-ish pretty quickly. But it goes up to the 180s quickly as well and I just never seem to be able to catch my breath. As said, talking while jogging is impossible. On my hikes my average HR dropped from…
  • I kept one pair of jeans. They are 6 (inch) sizes bigger than my current ones. The rest I donated to goodwill.
  • One of the most hurtful comments happened when I was in my mid-twenties. I arrived at a family party and my uncle shouted out LOUDLY "Hey your *kitten* is getting bigger every time I see you!" The next morning I left the house crying, at 6 am to go see a doctor for a referral to a dietician. (Unfortunately, that was not…
  • I did Weight Watchers for years. I also always told myself that counting calories was something I never wanted to do. I thought people who counted calories were the type who are scared of an apple. I quit WW and meanwhile I've been on MFP for over 2 months. I'm counting calories. It's not about eating as little as…
  • I think you should try to get to a size that makes you feel comfortable, not based on your BMI or the number on the scale. BMI is a tool to set an initial goal weight. I was overweight during my entire 20's, and I had no idea what weight I should aim for, since I simply have no idea what it looks like on me. I noticed that…
  • I love jeans but it's really hard to find the right fit. My country is #1 on the list of the tallest people in the world and I'm only 5'0", so finding one for my length is challenging! Yes you can get them tailored but good jeans are expensive here and that only adds more to the price. And then they usually gap in the back…
  • Bumping to add to my topics.
  • The same way as everyone else: track your calories and increase your exercise! :smile: I suggest you take a look at this: Basically, this lets you calculate the calories you need on a daily basis to maintain your weight.…
  • LMAO! :laugh: I'd choke if my dad would say that to me!
  • I use a moisturizer for my face but not because I believe it makes me 10 years younger or will prevent any wrinkles. To me skin care is the same category as straightening your hair, putting lotion on your legs or using make-up, it's a way of taking care of yourself on the outside, and make you look/feel better. :smile: But…
  • You could give it some time by simply logging your calories for a couple of weeks. If you find that you are still losing weight then obviously you can eat more than the goal MFP is giving you. The MFP goal might be on the low end to begin with, search the forums about TDEE and BMR (there's a topic called 'roadmap' which…
  • This: :sad: I did have a really cool Lego Technic motorcycle though :smile: And a NES My cousins had one :cry: My brother and I got a GameBoy in 89, but that's the ONLY console my parents ever got us. Since living on my own I've had a PS2, a Wii and my current love the PS3 :love: