unamoss Member


  • Nicely done! Keep up the great work!
  • Awesome job! Keep up the great work!
  • Fantastic! Glad you are able to enjoy such success!!!
  • I know there are diet soda fans out there that will disagree with me, but here it goes. I used to drink a TON of diet coke. I loved the stuff and if I'm being honest, I still do. However, since giving up ALL diet sodas, especially diet coke, my over all health has improved drastically. 1. my skin has improved. I have few…
    in Diet soda Comment by unamoss March 2014
  • I love it! "Be your own hero!"
  • I've got nothing but hair from the neck up and each and every single strand has a mind of it's own. Its curly and wavy and kinky like nobodies business. I am white and if I don't brush out my hair twice I day I will naturally get dread locks, especially my neck area, no joke. My daughter's hair is mercifully more…
  • I'm with some of those folks telling you not to give up something you love. :drinker: I'm almost 50 and if didn't have a cup of coffee in the morning I think my universe would implode. :explode: I use Coffee Mate Natural Bliss vanilla creamer. I think it's 35 calories for 1 tbsp. It's a bit steep in the calorie department…
  • Hi there. I only read a few of the other responses, so please forgive me for being repetitive if you've heard this before. I used to love me some diet Coke, I mean, really, really love the stuff. I drank more than I cared to admit. I'd go through drive thrus, stop at 7-11, keep a 12 pack in the house. I had heard reports…
  • Beautiful post Denise, straight from the heart. Kiddo, get yourself to your campus health center. They have resources that you can tap into. Best of luck to you.:smile:
  • I love my one. It works beautifully with MFP and it really helps you get in touch with just how much activity is necessary in your day to help you be successful with weight loss. I wear it clipped on my bra or waistband. I use the wrist band at night. There is absolutely no reason to wear it 24/7 (like in the shower etc).…
    in Fitbit Comment by unamoss December 2013
  • Greek Yoghurt is awesome in so many ways. My fav is with fruit although I've tried mixing it with oats etc. The best part is that I never run out of "dairy" for my concoctions because I use Almond Milk and Yoghurt and no one else in the house tends to touch the stuff. lol:wink:
  • Hi Keshana! I agree with some of the previous comments... While you THINK you are intaking 1500, little bits and pieces throughout the day can sure quickly add up! I once went through Costco and when I added up my "sampling" I had added 150 calories to my day. I was bummed, dinner was spartan that night and I wasn't happy…
  • What a wonderful accomplishment! Enjoy how good it feels! Keep up the good work!
  • Okay sister, we are almost the same person except I'm 2 inches shorter, a little older and a little heavier, lol. Glad your super motivated and into it. But don't do what I did. For the first few weeks on MFP I was hard core and stuck to 1200 calories and quickly lost 6 pounds. I stalled for two painful weeks and didn't…
  • Love a crisp apple 100 calorie popcorn Chili chocolate by Lindt, 48 calories per square Special K Cracker chips (90 - 110 calories) Hummus, 60 calories for 2 tablespoons mini bell peppers laughing cow cheese, healthy alternative tortilla, tablespoon pasta sauce, 110 calories, tastes like a Hot Pocket 90 calorie fiber one…
  • Nicely done! You deserve to be so proud!!! Keep up the great work!!!
  • Hello, and congratulations for joining this site!!! I agree wholeheartedly with those who say, just log in your stats for a week and see where you are at. With three little ones under the age of five I seriously doubt you engage in a sedentary lifestyle! Cut yourself some slack and pat yourself on the back for getting…
  • Meant to say I'd like to loose between 75 and 100 poinds
  • Yup! Pick me! Li k me! I think I fit your profile and would love to join your group. I'd like to be able to see my feet. I want To feel good in clothes and comfortable in an airplane seat. I also hope my weight loss will help with my daily back pain. Started a it two and a half weeks ago and my motivation is high... For…