

  • 165, Yay! then this morning I took a peek at the scale and saw 167.6!! What gives? I have been staying within my calories. I was suprised to see a gain this morning since Thursdays are my busiest days and I am running around from place to place (I work for WW) and cover 3 meetings that are several miles from each other.…
  • I just got the DVD last night, so I am a bit behind .. but just finished L1D2. Got up early and did it while the baby's still sleeping, feels good to already have it over for the day! Thanks for the motivation ladies, here's hoping I make it the 30 days!
  • My collarbone!!
  • Wow guys, thanks for all the info!! I really appreciate it. I definitely don't want to go into starvation mode, so I think I will eat a few more throughout day knowing that I will be exercising at night. Plateau .. the forbidden word!!!!