tannas25 Member


  • MFP automatically factors in your calorie deficit according to your weight loss goals. If you eat according to MFP recommendations you should lose weight. If you exercise and log those calories, you are "supposed" to eat those calories back. Lots of people eat SOME of their exercise calories back, others eat ALL of them…
  • Thank you for posting! As a relative newbie here, I've been so confused about it all. Makes more sense now.
  • Crossfit will give you the weight training AND cardio in one place and in less time. It's fun and super intense! Give it a try!
  • I'm interested in people's thoughts on this too. I've been tracking cals on mfp for a month, running/walking 3x/week since Jan. and haven't lost any weight. My diet is healthy--lots of veggies, not a ton of junk. I think I'm doing everything right, but I'm netting low cals like this too. I am SCARED to death of eating a…
  • I {LOVE} to bake. And eat. So, mine would be homemade cookies.
  • @Taliasmommy78 http://scoobysworkshop.com/accurate-calorie-calculator/ Here's a great calculator to figure out how much to eat for your body. I'm new too and someone posted this and it helped.
  • New here too. So, does this mean that the 1200 cal net that MFP suggests to use is an unhealthy level? The MFP number as my BMR is closer to my TDEE (total daily energy expenditure---for other newbies). It really is confusing to me. The whole idea of "eating back" calories, "net" calories, eating too low, eating MORE to…
  • Crummy knees here too. Bummer. I went for a bike ride yesterday (first in two years) and I felt almost giddy! It was so fun and free!! Free as in the wind in my face, cruising down the greenbelt feeling awesome and no knee pain! Pure cardio high! You can do both weights and cardio. Find something you love and go for it!
  • Don't be afraid to have snacks. Something that's around 200 cals in the afternoon won't derail your efforts as long as you're keeping within your calorie range for the day. I eat every three hours or so. I just started on mfp. My snacks usually consist of a fruit, maybe some string cheese or yogurt, or almonds and LOTS of…
  • CROSSFIT!! You will see lots of different abilities and body types there, but they use a combination of HIIT and Olympic lifting that is scaled to your ability. It's super fun and you would definitely get the results you're looking for there. You want to see ripped, find a Crossfit box.
  • The sugar setting is actually ridiculously low here. You can change the settings and hide the sugar tracker. You're likely doing better than you think if it's only the sugar that is high on mfp. There's another thread talking about this right now.
    in Calories Comment by tannas25 August 2013
  • Check out some paleo websites or Whole30 recipes. They are "clean" and have lots of great ideas. Coconut oil and coconut milk (not light) are good calorie dense foods that can help add some satiety to your meals and taste great. I make smoothies with fruits and coconut milk. YUM! I sauté veggies in the oil. Nuts and seeds…