Kittyclaw6 Member


  • Thanx for your comments. It really hard to stay motivated, but I will def continue, because I really love lifting - more than I have ever loved any other exercise regime and now I actually like going to the gym! Just hope I see some results soon.
  • Hi, I am also in stage 1. I have upped my weight by 5kgs on the deadlift and squat at each session, so I am now doing a 30kg squat and 40kg deadlift. With the other exercises I just went up to the next dumbbell weight my gym had.
  • I have definitely put on more weight and size! I am trying to tell myself that it is the muscles underneath all the fat, but it is so hard. My weights are heavy for me - deadlift 40kgs & squat 30kgs. I am usually drenched in sweat by the end of my workout which no other gym routine has done for me, so I know I am working…
  • Hi all, I am into my second week of NROLFW and I feel totally disgusting and fat! I haven't lost any weight (which is to be expected) but my cloths feel tighter not looser! I have about 25kgs to loose. Please tell me it will get better. I would also like to know what weight everyone started off with. Thank you.