

  • I feel your pain. Im there too. I started to watch my sodium more now and have changed my cardio up some. I do 45 minutes of cardio atleast 3 days a week and try to walk my dogs nightly. I added doing the stair machine at the gym. I am up to 9 minutes ontop of my 45 of cardio. I also try to switch my weight workouts every…
  • This is silly considering some of what I read, but a belly button ring I bought several years ago and I have refound after loosing 20 pounds and having on my kitchen counter to remind me my goal is in close reach if I keep it up. I did have some mom friends on here to help at 1st but they all dropped out. :{
  • You look tooo beautiful to let ANYONE put you down! You will ONLY loose wieght if You want to not him. But the sounds of what you are saying it is NOT HEALTHY at all. You need to do whats best for you. You are very young and for your mental health and physical health walk away. I know its easier said than done, but in the…
  • Good luck! It's a great site with great tools. Love the recipe builder part since I cook from scratch a lot.
  • Good Luck! Youll love this site! I love being able to cook and know how much each dish is. Just remember it takes time and commitmemt
    in New :) Comment by VikTimH April 2011
  • Good luck and good outlook. Journaling your food and realizing the kind of food you thought was good and eat is key. I was amazed at what I thought was good for you really wasn't Hopefully you have a friend and/or partner that is helping and supporting you along your journey.
  • I have taken it in the past and currently using it along with Zija! I use the Alli to help regulate my bathroom going. I am down 20 pounds since Novemeber and looking at another 10 pounds. It is just an additional tool to help you. Key to any weightloss as a lot of others have replied to is healthy intake and excersice. I…