ChristyVerness Member


  • Hello! :) Welcome! Way to find ways to "distract" yourself! How was your workout today?
  • Hello! Are you still looking for some motivation? :) Love to connect with others who are striving to live healthy, like me! :) Send me a friend request!
  • My opinion is don't deprive yourself...keep it to a single serving size & enjoy once in awhile! You HAVE to keep it realistic, or you won't be able to keep at it long term! It's a lifestyle change that you're making, not a temporary fix! :)
  • Welcome!!! I love to meet other people who are excited about making healthy decisions! I'm sending you a friend request! But, you can also feel free to check out my fitness page for more motivation, inspiration, health tips & ideas! :)
  • Sounds like you're doing awesome! Keep it up! So important that you're including strength training, too! Muscle helps to keep your metabolism high! I think a protein shake is a good idea! My hubby & I drink a meal replacement shake every morning: protein, 50% daily calcium, vitamins, probiotics, iron, etc all rolled into…