

  • Ewwwwwwww
  • Hi - I'm Cheryl from Southwest Washington State.
  • You are such an inspiration! Thank you for sharing your pics, and wishing you all the best!
  • I'm new and just turned 50 back in the Spring - with over 50 pounds to lose. Job keeps me on my behind all day, which hasn't helped much. Living in Washington State and am trying to get an evening walk in every day while the weather is nice. Would love to have some "friends" in the same boat!
  • Just joined and definitely need to lose over 50 - about 55 pounds would put me at a healthy weight. I live in Washington State, so I'm able to get some exercise in while the weather is nice, but dreading the cold dark winter months up ahead. Would definitely like to connect with others in a similar situation for mutual…
  • I'm curious about this too. If I eat 1/2 of a peach for breakfast, would the natural sugars in the fruit actually be doing more harm than good?