Boom_Balatty Member


  • The person that moves a mountain, begins by carrying away small stones. Feel free to add me, if you're looking for support!
  • There is no grand epiphany, or sudden realization to be found that will lead you to effortless success. The only thing offered in this community is support for you to find the strength to take the first step along the golden path. It's a path that has no real destination, as it's a path to be walked for life, and one that…
  • A few tips, to make your MFP experience more valuable. I would suggest opening up your diary to the public, and honestly logging everything that you eat and all the exercise that you do. Then I would suggest getting more friends by looking on the forums (and by adding me, of course). You can find both success and failure…
  • You and I are hitting the same first plateau. Lost 14lbs in two weeks and then the scale stopped dead and has stayed that way for 4 days. It's pretty discouraging, for sure, but it's about a lifestyle change, and not a diet. We're all invested in the outcome (of course) but it's not at though there will come a time where…
  • I'm really heartened by the positive support just a single post has garnered. Looking over your diaries has been inspirational and informative. I'm ticked that some of you meet you goals with salads, and others manage to do so with fast food. I can think of one gentleman in particular that seems to consist solely off of…
  • Thanks for all the friendly feedback, all. While my recent health scare was dire, I don't think I'm in need of intensive food addiction therapy. I'm a pretty self aware fellow, and have long since known how/what I SHOULD be eating. What I was eating (for a variety of really lame excuses, in the face of oblivion itself) was…