Nothing that steamed okra wont take care of. When things slow down, I replace my evening meal with a couple of cups of okra and the next day, problem resolved! Slippery little buggers take care of everything. Have some okra daily 1/2 cup and it keeps you going and it is healthy for you and very low calorie. I boil it and…
My heart rate also speeds up also and I have to slow down. I think it is because I walk in the Florida heat mid day at times. Believe me when I say you sweat! North Florida is hilly and I walk the hills going up to 3 mph at a moderate pace. When you are really overweight, it isn't hard to get your heart rate up doing…
I walk also for the same reason plus at my age and weight, I am not ready to destroy my knees, hips and ankles by running. Sometimes I swim (more like play in the water) but it is still exercise. I don't walk every day but try to do so 3-4 x a week. Spend from 25-45 minutes when I do walk and go uphill part of the way. I…
I thought about surgery for weight loss and even saw a specialist about it. Was told needed to eat no more than 1100 calories a day if you were female and under 5ft 4 in. and 10% of it needs to be protein. I have been doing this to the best that I can and have lost about 14 pounds total since I started about 7 weeks ago.…
Unless the tattoo moved, the 3rd girl is a different one.
Thanks for you opinion. I am considering the gastric sleeve also. Have had my first consult and waiting for my primary care MD to send the required letter on need to the surgeon. I am 60 with weight of 231. I have been over weight all my life and yes, I feed the sleeve is cheating but if you are my age and have tried all…