

  • I would really like to join this! I turn 21 the day after Christmas and would really like to finish losing 21 lbs by then. I have about 15 to go and would like somewhere to check in with my weight once a week. I am terrible with counting calories, but I have started working out regularly and trying to replace my sweets…
  • I fell off the wagon this week. I had several tests and combined with my sudden lack of motivation, I just couldn't find time or even wanted to find time to do the workout. I have skipped two days (one of them I played badminton for an hour or so and then went running for an hour), but I am planning on getting back to D4L1…
  • I finished D3L1 today and it has gotten wayyyyy easier than the first two days. I manged to do a lot more regular push ups than i usually do and I only had to stop one other time. It was during the side lunges which didn't make me want to cry nearly as much today as they usually do .
  • The soreness was almost gone today which was a lovely treat. I had a test this morning at 8 and then classes all the way until 6:30 so I decided to do my workout at night instead of morning or early afternoon. I was so busy today by the time 7 pm rolls around, i still have over 1000 calories I needed to eat. Sadly, I got…
  • I finished L1D2 today and I am seriously feeling it. I did it during my lunch break and was sore for the rest of the afternoon. I think doing it tomorrow night will be a lot better for me and my schedule.
  • I did L1D2 today during my lunch break and I am definitely feeling it tonight. Thankfully I'm not limping or anything like that, but I have to hide a grimace when I move certain muscles. I hated having to do it during my lunch break, but between work, school, and studying for my midterm tomorrow, that's the only time I…
  • I'd love to join this group if it's possible. My CW is 160 and my goal weight is 130. I want to lose at least ten by spring break because I am going to the beach. After that, I want to lose the rest by the time my finals are over with in May.
  • Today is D2L1 for me as well. I'm really looking to tone up and I heard this is great for that. My goal for Level 1 is to do all of the exercises in proper form.
  • I tried to wake up at 6:30 to do D2L1 but I ended up sleeping through my alarm clock. I have decided to do it tonight after my work and lab instead. I woke up to some soreness in my shoulders and arms, but it wasn't terrible. Can't wait to do it again tonight!
  • I just joined MFP this past week. I saw all of the posts about the 30 day shred and decided to give it a go. A workout less than 30 minutes is perfect for me because I am working 24 hours a week and taking 15 hours. I bought the dvd Friday night, but didn't get a chance to start it because I drove down to the beach to…
  • Good to know I'm not alone here. I'm a sophomore and didn't gain the supposed "freshman fifteen." Granted, that could have been because I had mono for the first two months of school. This past year, I have gained a lot of weight and really am trying to learn how to lose it and then manage it. I am taking 15 hours this…
  • I just joined this week. I am a college sophomore in Texas. I just joined this week and would love to keep posting here so I stay accountable for my weight.
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