Fafern Member


  • I think if you work up a sweat cleaning, it definitely counts! :) Made it to the gym twice this week, which for me is an improvement. My goal is to work out three times per week, either at home or the gym. Started logging food again. I definitely eat too many sugary things and a lot of carbs, but using the diary helps to…
  • Feel free to add me. I'm 44 years old and have about 50-75 pounds to lose. I was thin in childhood and in my 20s, but the weight has steadily crept up through the 30s. When I hit my 40s, I gained 40 pounds in about 18 months. It's definitely been harder to lose the weight and get back in shape at this age, but I need to do…
  • I finished W1D1 yesterday on the treadmill with the C25K app from Zen Labs. I've tried starting C25K before but haven't made it out of week 1 yet. I'm happy that I don't feel too sore today on my rest day. I think in the past I tried going too fast too soon. I used to run ages and ages ago, but never more than 2-3 miles at…
  • Name: Jen Height: 5'7" Starting Weight (1/1): 210 Goal Weight (1/31): 202 1/1: 210 1/8: 1/15: 1/22: 1/29: 1/31: Loss/gain for the week: Loss/gain for the month so far: Struggles or successes of your week: I've been yo-yo'ing up and down about 5 pounds for several months now. Hope that now the holidays are over I'll be able…
  • Psychiatrists are the ones with medical training who can prescribe medication. Psychologists often provide "talk therapy" and other coping skills. Very easy to mix them up. They often work together as a team with one monitoring the drugs while the other handles therapy sessions. My favorite "self-help" book is called "The…
  • Hi, everyone. I struggle with chronic back pain and migraines, but I try to stay positive. I'm new to MFP and just starting to send out friend requests. Feel free to add me. I really appreciate motivation and support.
  • Hi, I'm Jennifer from Culpeper, VA. The information in this group has been terrific! I'm planning to start the program in a week or two. Right now, I'm doing low-impact workouts like swimming and biking indoors. I used to run about 2-4 miles regularly over 10 yrs ago, but struggled with shin splints, sprained ankles and…
  • Hello from Culpeper, VA! I'm Jennifer (43 yrs old). Grew up in Virginia, spent over a decade near Arlington while working DC, but now enjoying the lack of traffic jams in a more rural setting. Hope to lose 30 lbs before Christmas, maybe another 15 lbs by next spring to get down to my ideal weight.
  • I have 2 spoiled-rotten Japanese Chins, Suki (11 years old, 15 lbs) and Bailey (4 years old, 8 lbs). Bailey loves to cuddle with people on the couch (he's even taken naps with my mother's cat) while Suki prefers back scratches and belly rubs.
  • Hello to everyone! I'm Jennifer ("Fafern" is a family nickname), 43 years old, single, no kids, but have 2 spoiled rotten doggies. Just joined My Fitness Pal since I'm finally getting serious about getting back into shape. Used to work out semi-regularly in my 20s and early 30s, but it's been a struggle since my mid-30s to…