

  • I am very honest about what i log in, even to the point the the 10 M & M's i ate on Sunday. :) I am diabetic and everyday i notice i am over on my daily protein allotment due to eathing a good protien with every meal. So what everyone is saying is you are supposed to eat just the BMR calorie number and not add in the…
    in WTF??? Comment by sayrejf July 2013
  • I am 5"10 and 260 pounds. I ride the stationary bike and break a sweat but still consider it in the "light" area. MFP is showing i burn about 345 calories in 35 min. Thought that was high as the bike only shows about 150.00, but thought the bike could be wrong too.
    in WTF??? Comment by sayrejf July 2013
  • I am new here too. I am confused as to how many caloires i should be eating. My BMR is 1882 calories a day. My exercise plan shows buring approx. 350 calories a day - 4 days a week. I cannot excersise very strenously as i have low back and feet issues along with fibromyalgia. Anyway for my daily caloric intake should it be…
    in WTF??? Comment by sayrejf July 2013
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