Sapphire1812 Member


  • If you are on your feet for 48 hours a week... maybe 1450 calories is too low for you, as you would be using a lot of calories by being on your feet all day. Are you just going by what MFP tells you for calories? Maybe try having a look at this calorie calculator and see what that calculates your calories at:…
  • Keeping on the band wagon... with an impromptu bike ride on Friday after hubby ringing up and telling me to get my glad rags on as he was on the way home from work. Unfortunately that ride was cut short, as a result of hubby's pedal deciding to cause mischief and fly off!! Lol... we had to turn back and take the bike to…
  • SW: 183.7lbs CW: 180.9lbs Change: -2.8lbs Yay, approaching 170's... can't wait. Keep up the great work everyone! :smile:
  • Just joined you all a moment ago... so hi everyone and look forward to being part of this challenge. :) Week 0 start weight 183.7lbs
  • I use the following apps for android: - MFP (of course!) - WWDiary: free Weight Watchers diary that will calculate both old and new WW points and allow you to keep a log of your daily food. There is also a $1 a month subscription service that allows you to scan barcodes and save to database. It's great if you like WW and…
  • Someone posted earlier in thread that if you wanted to say have sugar too in your nutritional values, you would need to edit the following lines. Just installed this today and done this, so can verify that it does work. Line 114 else if (index==6 && $(this).hasClass('delete')) { to else if (index==7 &&…