

  • I'm doing really good! I feel like its easy to follow and, the weight is coming off. I have been tempted a lot and allowed myself some cheats, but over all am winning most of the battles. :) The only thing I can say about this plan is that its kind of expensive for me, due to the eating 5x per day and all the protein. Tuna…
  • Hi Everyone! Sunshine, congrats on being so close to your goal!! I wish you success on being where you feel healthiest. I find it hard to focus on a specific number as far as weight, because I've had 3 children in 3 years, and prior to that it had been about 10 years since I'd been at a healthy weight. I have no clue what…
    in Hello! Comment by carakhuffman July 2013
  • Thanks for your reply, Haley. :) How far are you in the book? I started having children later than most. So, don't feel too old. You don't look any older than me, actually. I'm 34. I felt really old this weekend when my husband and I went out on a date and took an impromptu stop at a putt-putt course. We were reminiscing…
    in Hello! Comment by carakhuffman July 2013
  • I wouldn't mind reading it with you Haley. I have a Nook and am new to the group. Don't get much time to read with 3 little ones, but I would love to attempt it!
  • 1.5 lbs since Mon is good! I'm sure you also know, as a fellow dieter, that some days you won't lose anything and the next day you'll be down 2 lbs. That's why I try and not weigh in for a week, but my husband put the scales in the kitchen so, now its just staring me in the face. Lol Also, on Tuesday I was sweeping the…