

  • i've been vegetarian for about a year and a half, and vegan for about a month... here's a few go-to's: SOUP. i make vegetable stew all the time, or modify tom kha soup: with veggie broth and tofu instead of chicken stock and chicken, and i make my own vegan fish sauce:…
  • guitar hero is great. i've had it since the day it came out months ago and the novelty still hasn't worn off! the sound is fine, it's true that somebody screwed up and it accidentally came out in mono, but they have already sent out cardboard envelopes for anyone who signed up to send in their disc to activision and be…
  • if you download itunes, i'd recommend downloading the yogamazing podcast for free. it's a video podcast of instructional yoga videos, and you can either put them on your ipod to hook up to the tv, or watch them on your computer screen, assuming your home computer is in a big enough room to do yoga in.
  • i have a wii and didn't think about that. now i have an excuse to play :) i'll just have to make sure to swing extra hard when i play tennis... too bad there's not some game that counts calories for you while you play it!