

  • umm...ok, not only am I overweight...I'm slow too! Didn't realize she was gone. I hope she comes back. I REALLY want this weight gone and I believe this tool just might help. Need friends as well, if anyone is motivated to add newbies. Thanks.
  • I've been here 6 days and I've found that it's much easier to maintain my level of determination. I'm sure I will have moments of feeling defeated and stubble, but this format keeps me focused and accountable. And who doesn't enjoy a pat on the back from others? :-) The 3 pictures on my profile show my transition over the…
  • Same situation here! I've been here 6 days and I've found that it's much easier to maintain my level of determination. I'm sure I will have moments of feeling defeated and stubble, but this format keeps me focused and accountable. And who doesn't enjoy a pat on the back from others? :-)
  • Hi Ann, I not only am a 55 year old overweight female, I too, have arthritis in both knees (moderate in the left and severe in the right) I was diagnosed with arthritis at the age of 26. Starting at my neck and going down! I know that by losing this weight, my rehab post surgery is going to be so much easier on me,…