Thank you for your support, and for sharing your story! I hope you continue to eat what you love. :D
A flexitarian is considered to be a type of vegetarian by some people. Other people don't consider flexitarians to be vegetarians, because we're allowed to eat meat. What makes flexitarians unique is that we try to incorporate more veggies, fruits, dairy, nuts, and wheat in our meals. As for meat, we try not to eat too…
I had to tell him about my new diet because he asked me about it. When he found out, he didn't accept it. Soon after, my family became diet-saboteurs. Since I want to carry on this diet, I'll just ignore their temptations and complaints. Hopefully I will have a group of friends and supporters by my side. :D
No. Way. I've been using My Fitness Pal for over a month now to keep track of how many calories, proteins, sugars, etc. I need each day. So far, I've met the 1,600 calorie-mark, or a little below it (at least 1,500 calories). So even with my diet change, I'm always aware of what I need and how much I need to eat. :)
[UPDATE] My father doesn't believe a word I say; he thinks I'm anorexic!! T___T