

  • Thanks all, that's very helpful. My blood sugar was checked recently and found to be a little high (just the high end of normal, a bit near to pre diabetes than they would like, not in diabetes range or anything), but that's when doc said sugar from fruit was fine, and not to worry about it, so that's why I wondered!…
  • It is a pain!!! I do slimming world as well as mfp, so get weighed every week, so always find I'm either staying the same or up a bit that week! And the leader of the class is a man so feel like I can't mention it, lol! But the next week I'd usually be done a bit extra, so it all levels out! I drink a lot of water around…
  • Hi, bit late on this, but I do both... I go to slimming world, cos the weekly accurate weigh in helps keep me on track, plus I stick to the free and superfree foods, plus the optimising. But I use myfitnesspal to also track what I eat from this plan to make sure I don't go over on portion size etc, or eat too many syns cos…