

  • the techno station on Pandora is AWESOME!
    in MUSIC! Comment by Emily72988 June 2012
  • Hi! I am Emily I am from Stamford
    in intros! Comment by Emily72988 May 2012
  • I am 23 feel free to add me anytime!
  • Hi! I am from CT too!!! The weather is beautiful CANNOT wait until summer and all it has to offer!!!! I have lost 36lbs so far...sent you a friend request any one else from CT feel free to add me as well!
  • i am at a plateau as well..I have lost about 35lbs and am at the smallest I think I have been since the 7th grade, however I have 30 more to go before i hit my goal weight...I have been stuck for over a month and it is EXTREMELY frustrating because I lead an active life and feel great, but the scale does not show me…
    in Plateau Comment by Emily72988 April 2012