

  • When I started working out I would do the same thing you did with the guys. If you want it. Go and get it. There aren't always nice people at the gym.
  • The burgers and fries haven't made me gain weight, just gain muscle. This morning I woke up feeling leaner than I did before. I was just curious if others had experience this before.
  • They have a 1020 in San Diego that's suppose to be along the beach front. Might be worth checking out. This race is 10 miles not 3 or 6 miles.
  • I'm not new new to lifting. I just don't want to be counterproductive to making my gains. It seems like I'm always craving burgers and fries. This morning I woke up and wanted a coke which I have never craved before. Trying to get all my water in between my shakes and cokes :)
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