Tylerhaar Member


  • 280 still have not budged.... Started growing sprouts yesterday so watch out fat... I also had some quick meals and think there maybe some processed food retention.... Going to hit some extra cardio this week...
  • I was drinking a lot 6 min a week ya... Lots of stress and unwinding and I have other fiends as well ,rum ,rye,vodka,wine .i just took two weeks off to see if I could lose weight and I feel great . And once you start putting in nutrient rich foods you feel even better. Just give it a whirl. Beer are empty calories which…
  • Wish this would of started 2 weeks ago I was at all time high of 300lbs at 39 years of age .watching calories and 10 min of exercise a day and I'm now 279 lbs . I'm excited to see the scale move in the Other direction . My motivation is for a better quality of life for myself and to set a good example for my family. My…