

  • Read "The China Study" ! T. Colin Campbell of Cornell along with other major research firms/universities are trying to figure if soy is proto-oncogenic. This is very interesting research that is going on.
  • These are tough. Try to improve overall muscle strength in your leg. The other posts are spot on in regards to making sure you are running in the proper shoes (there are specialists just for this!! pretty cool). Whats happenings is that there is an imbalance in strength in the flexors and extensors of your foot (muscles…
  • Regardless of the extreme 10lb reduction in two weeks there is a more important problem here. I think its your attitude towards your health. There HAS TO BE time for a workout. Listen, I felt exactly like you 2 weeks ago. My schedule is incredibly dense, but two weeks ago I was fed up and decided to change the way I looked…
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