

  • I had a fitness coach who told me at the start of my "getting in shape" journey: Think of how long it took you to get into the shape you are in now. It took me thirty years to get into cruddy shape. That it took three years to get into very good shape seems, in retrospect, a short time. That coach would suggest to you that…
  • Good for full admiration mode here!!
  • It is that easy! Just pour some milk over the grains in a glass mason jar and put a cloth with a rubber band holding it in place over the mouth of the jar. In a day, strain the grains and capture the fluid that comes through....that's the kefir. Transfer the grains to a new glass jar and pour some fresh milk over the top…
  • I will not be without it! I make my own. I found a supplier of kefir grains (through a google search) and I make about 8-20 ounces a day with goat milk I get from a local supplier. It takes about 3 minutes of labor start to finish every day and it is soooo good! I've tried lifeway and I like it just fine, but as easy as it…
  • yes, eat them.
  • bad idea. bmr should never be approached much less never reached! please google search bmr and daliy calorie requirement. figure your caloric needs off this caloric requirement (which uses your bmr). bad bad idea.
  • Much discussed. Quick search gave me these links within the site. My vote is to stay away from them, but you might decide otherwise. Here you go:…
  • I grill some at home every once in a while and come up with my own marinades or sauces (to cut down on the sodium). Are they bad? They are likely on the scale heading towards bad, but lots of things are. Just use them as a semi-cheat meal & count the calories and other nutritional data. I grill them on the weber about once…
  • I drink raw goat milk every day. 1 cup either in a smoothie or with breakfast in a cup. Raw milk, in .my opinion, is very very good for you. That opinion is based on my experience with it and from scores of articles yaou can find from google searching 'raw milk.' And, truth be told, i don't just drink plain and straight…
  • I do. My good cholesterol numbers are way up too after taking them. Don't really know about weight/metabolism benefits, but my dad's friend is a vascular surgeon and fish oil (specifically the oil rendered by a "cold" process -- check the label) is the only supplement he takes....and that says a lot!!
    in Fish Oil Comment by Alyosha22 April 2011
  • Sometimes I feel stuck. Normal. Completely so. I just remind myself that it took me the previous 36 years to get the body I had when I started watching what I was eating. To negatively regard that it might take more than a few months to shed my fat and extra weight seems impatient and foolish. Long range thinking and long…
  • Somewhere in the middle would be an accurate guess....and a guess is all you'll get without a food scale. Do you have one? If so, you can cut it up and weigh it & know accurately. Calculate 18 calories per ounce.
  • Might want to re-do your account settings / goals to register your new exercise "goals" to 0 per week. Maybe that will give you an updated daily calorie amount. And you might change your BMR related number to show a more sedentary lifestyle and then change it back in a couple of weeks when you are on your feet again. I'm…
  • I had a nice (but old, spring technology) scale made by Tanita. It would vary in weight as much as 6 pounds depending on where I stood on the scale and how I had my weight over my feet. Forget that! So I bought (through amazon) an Eat Smart Precision Plus digital scale (model ESBS-05) for around $35. It got great reviews…