

  • wow1 thats a great change! I just lost 1 Lb :( Rest of my measurements were pretty much the same. But I haven't been good with my diet so hoping that I can be better this week and see how it goes. May be plan my meals ahead of time..
  • Did the Lower focus in the morning before work and did the cardio after work..worked better for me to have a gap in the middle.
  • Yes the Abs were great! I did the lower focus this morning before leaving work and will be doing the cardio when I get back this evening. Definitely can't do them back to back! The lower focus was great but LOTS of squats and lunges. Tomorrow is measurement day and I hope I get to see some changes! I haven't been that good…
  • Ok sounds good..thanks! i will put mine down as 200-250 calories as well :)
  • Yes I had to stop and take breaths and also modify many times. It was definitely the hardest workout so far! Hope it gets easier to do these. Also, do any of you guys enter these workouts in the exercise portion of this website so it can calculate calories burnt? I am new to this site and am wondering how I can put in T25…
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