roseslate75 Member


  • My petty reason is to be smoking hot the next time I see my ex. He lulled me in to thinking that he loved me as I was, 50 pounds overweight. 4 months later he dumped me for a skinny chick. After I got over the devastation, I picked myself up by my bootstraps and took myself to task for all of my bad eating habits and…
  • Thank you all so much. I guess I was having a bit of a pity party for myself. Tomorrow is a new day and I plan on getting back on track. I now have 18 pounds left to hit my goal weight. I got this! ☺️
  • Thank you all so much! I haven't taken a diet break because I'm not close to my goal weight.....still have about 25 pounds to go. Not sure if this could be it, but I'm under a tremendous deal of stress. Going through a divorce is probably the worst thing to do on a diet! Lol. Things are finally calming down and I'm hoping…
  • Add me! I'm attaching my progress photo as well. I need someone to call me out on my BS sometimes! We could be best friends! Lol
  • Lots of hard work, girl....but it's so worth it! My secret was is no carbs. No beer, no pizza, no pasta, no bread....NOTHING! But I live by the motto that nothing tastes as good as skinny feels. Best of luck to you dear!
  • Awesome job dj! What kind of machine did you get?
  • Thank you all! Vetticus....extra thanks to you! It made sense to start at the highest resistance. I would have been doing it totally wrong. I think that a combo of rowing, cycling and treadmill will be my starting workout. Eventually, I would like to incorporate weights. No time soon though. Baby steps.