
  • My goals are similar - At 159.6 and goal is 135 by January 1, 2014 HANG IN THERE!
  • Love this idea! Three kids ... full-time job ... no time to drive in somewhere to weigh-in. An online version is a great idea. Will try to stay accountable and motivated. Have not been successful in the past. Goal = Down to 135 lbs + BMI of 23 by January 1, 2014. My first Friday Weigh-In Post: July 12, 2013 = 165 lbs July…
  • I am new to Fitness Pal as well. I am a 43 year old mother of three that has a demanding job and just tries to juggle too much! Trying to find time to ensure that I stay healthy and in shape. I haven't focused on it at all in the past two years and it shows!!
  • My first post too. This is my first-time dieting and have to lose 25 lbs! My goal is to actually stick with this site for one week and track my food and exercise. I've been wanting to lose weight for the past two years but haven't been able to stick with anything. I'm hoping this site will help me out!!!
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