I am 5'5" 210 lb and 33 yrs old. I am a nurse and have been lax on excercising regular since having surgery last december and gained 15 lbs i had lost. Time to shape up! (literally)
Then what? eat it raw? cook it? I feel like im missing something.
going to try this
thanks for the idea..i will try that tonight
looks deliscious
thank you, very good info
I am a nurse in a small hospital. I work ER and Labor and Delivery. I love my ER family. (that includes the docs, NP, nurses, paramedics and the police officers that come in to visit or deal the the cream of our patient crop.)
I think its all about attitude. Decide to be healthy. take the time to put your favorite/ most used recipes in because its important. take an hour to excercise everyday because taking care of yourself this the best thing you can do for your kids. Its worth paying for an hour of daycare if thats what it takes. Think of…
my opinion only. I don't judge people their choices..... I have watched a friend go thru the whole process over the last 2 yrs. She got a lap band and based on observation and talking with her I would not do it myself and here is why... 1. I could lose 30 lbs if i was on only a liquid diet for 10 weeks. (over a month of…
add me too!
I bought a size 12 jeans this week and it felt so good. Dont want to buy a ton because i plan to be a size 10 someday soon.
that is a wonderful nsv!
Had to buy new underwear because the leg holes were too big, the butt was saggy and they looked hideous! My husband told me my boobs were smaller :blushing: My very cute belt wont even hold up my pants because I can't get it tight enough ( I could probably fit my toddler inside my old favorite pair of jeans With…
I have found that eating a protein drink ( either making a shake myself or having a quick atkins protein shake out of the fridge) helps me feel full for a long time. It helps me curb the afternoon junk eating.
You are an inspiration! You look fantastic! Good job!
I have a friend that had a lap band put in a year ago. She gets food stuck and throws up with no warning....She lost almost all her wt in the few week of fluids only. if i only drank fluids for 8 wks i would probably lose 30 lbs also. She says she is glad she did it but imo it is not worth the $15000 of debt she took on to…
welcome! I am almost 32 ;), am from Oregon and have been using this site daily for a couple months. It works!
I knew venison burger and steak was in the system already. I just searched wild turkey breast and its in too. Wild meats usually are significantly leaner which makes it lower in fat and calories. My husband hunts so we have a freezer full of wild game. Its nice not to buy meat at the store.
all fruits and veggies are healthy in the perspective of they are not a processed food. You still want to stay within your calorie allotment even when eating good things
Good luck with your recovery and welcome! try to log in every day and it will help you with your journey
It is worth it to do one session with a trainer. my gym offered the first session for free and I ended up liking it so much I bought a couple more. It was so nice when i was starting for someone to tell me exactly what to do. The trainer told me how many minutes to do cardio, what heartrate to shoot for, and gave me…
this for sure!
this is not normal. You should see your doctor
9/1 90 min yoga/elliptical/jogging 9/2 rest 9/3 30 min stationary bike 9/4 50 min elliptical 9/5 60 min bike ride 9/6 60 elliptical/ circuit training 9/7 60 min cardio dance/ 15 min bike 9/8 90 min biking 9/9 rest 9/10 30 min running 9/11 nothing 9/12 nothing 9/13 60 min elliptical/ pilates 9/14 60 min elliptical / bike…
I think a huge part of my success is deciding to drink nothing but water. there are so many other things I would rather "spend" my calories on. Water is what are bodies need and the more i drink it and nothing else the less i crave other things including soda. Amazingly i get way fewer headaches caffeine ups and…
70 min of elliptical and circuit training! ticker updated
9/1 90 min yoga/elliptical/jogging 9/2 rest 9/3 30 min stationary bike 9/4 50 min elliptical 9/5 60 min bike ride 9/6 60 elliptical/ circuit training 9/7 60 min cardio dance/ 15 min bike 9/8 90 min biking 9/9 rest 9/10 30 min running 9/11 nothing 9/12 nothing 9/13 60 min elliptical/ pilates 9/14 60 min elliptical / bike…