kari31p Member


  • I've never made the ice cream but I dice up bananas, freeze them and the next day I blend them up with some milk for a banana "smoothie"..they don't turn brown.
  • I too am on the pill and did some research. I found that taking a B12 supplement can offset the negative side effects that the pill can have. I've noticed big time changes in my energy and a budge in the scale since I started taking it! Just an idea!
  • I LOVE what it does for me. High Energy, keeps me full for a long time, curbs my cravings for sweets, etc. It's only about $4 a serving if you break it down which is less than a lot of meals!
    in Shakeology Comment by kari31p March 2014
  • There are a lot of great recipes online for Homemade Granola bars that allow you to control what you are trying to limit (sugar, carbs, etc). I'm also not sure if you have Quest Bars available in the UK, but I highly suggest you look into it. They are delicious, have no added sugar, and are super high in protein to allow…
  • I HIGHLY suggest you start on Monday. It really helps to follow the calendar they give you to a T. Including Staturday and Stretching Days...I got and have seen others get tremendous results by following it exactly as planned out.
  • I completed T25 last Summer/Fall and loved the program. I lost 21lbs on the program and close to 40 total inches. When I started, I was 5 months post-pardum but already down to my pre-baby weight. It is perfect amount of time for anyone that has other time taking factors in their life (kids, work, etc.). Since I completed…
  • Having the type of body that can eat what I want, when I want and not gain a lb. I think of chocolate milk shakes and gain 3lbs. Damn genetics.
  • Hi! I'm looking for someone just like you! I am a 26 year old wife and mother to a beautiful baby girl too. When I was pregnant with Audrey, I only gained 12lbs and lost it almost instantly. If only my pre-pregnancy weight was something to brag about! Since August 15th, when I finally decided enough is enough, I've lost…
  • I, too, had my sweet baby girl in March of 2013, I am currently 21 lbs lighter than my pre-pregnancy weight and loving every minute of it. I started off with 1210 calorie a day but was finding myself with a grumbly tummy quite often so I upped it into the 1300's and it made a huge difference. I'm no where near as hungry…