

  • Well another week and another 2lbs gone for me Starting weight: 150 lbs Current weight: 140 lbs Total weight loss: 10lbs Weight loss this week: 2lbs Chuffed to bits and wedding dress shopping tomorrow - woohoo :-)
  • Starting weight: 150 lbs Current weight: 142 lbs Total weight loss: 8lbs Weight loss this week: 2lbs Weigh in day for me and 2 more nasty pounds gone! I'm super chuffed. I am off to try wedding dresses on next Saturday so that should be all the motivation i need to get me through next week and hopefully under the 140 mark!…
  • lol - yep! Boredom is pretty much always the reason for any diet failure i have. I'm quite lucky at the minute as so busy with wedding planning that it's not too bad!
  • Thank you :-) and yes i'd definately rather lose 1 pound than gain it!
  • Only 1 pound off for me this week :-( I'm blaming TOTM and a little bit of a naughty weekend last weekend. Still - it's a pound in the right direction. Well done Ellybelly - 3lb is awesome xx
  • Ha ha - I know this feeling! Welcome x
  • Thank you - I just need to try and be good over the weekend now! How are you finding the food programme that you're on?
  • Hey littlebigvoice I think we're cut from the same cloth. I'm 5'3 and carry most of my extra weight on my hips bum and thighs - I actually quite like my waist and like you get the comments about how i can't weigh what i say i do! Well i definately do - but hopefully we can do something about that!
  • Hi, I've always been addicted to weighing myself daily, though I would really like to stop and only weigh myself once a week! Does anyone fancy having a weekly weigh in thread? We could pick one day of the week as our 'day to weigh' and help to motivate each other? Just a thought x
  • Hi, I'm Marina, Oxford based and just turned 28 (boooo!) I weigh 150 pounds and would like to get back to my ideal 126 pounds. I say back to as I managed to get from 156 pounds down to 126 about 2 years ago and have slowly piled it back on, but i'm getting married next year so I have new motivation. I am a WIWT lurker but…