powter Member


  • I do yoga 3 times a week but mostly I walk - usually between 2 and 4 miles a day consistently, rain or shine. I don't even power walk. I like to observe what is going on around me from season to season. I have lost 45 pounds - it took 2 years but I have kept it off and went from 170 to 125. I'm 5-4" and 65 year old. I…
  • I'm off for 5 years now after a pack and a half habit for years and multiple times trying to quit. There were two things that helped most. One was a prescription medicine called Chantix and I used this in combination with patches. It costs a bit but so do cigarettes. (I'd tried Wellbutrin without success) The other was a…
  • I'm the queen of sneaking veggies in everywhere. Spaghetti? Add spinach, carrots, zucchini, chopped really fine to the sauce and blend or not. Same with alfredo sauce. I add spinach to smoothies. Add vegies to omelets or soups that you like. When you start thinking this way you can find alot of sneaky ways to add - make it…