Magadelana Member


  • My endocrinologist has put me on Victoza. She says it is supposed to reset my body and hormones. My pancreas is producing 3 times the amount of insulin that i need and it is going to burnout. I have lost a couple of pounds (1 month so far), and I know that once I get my diet really dialed in it will help even more. It is…
  • I think this is a great idea. Its always good to have supportive people around your area. What are your goals?
  • I am just starting out too....again! My friend who has been a personal trainer amoung other things old me that I need to lose 200 pounds. I would love a buddy and I'm always available for a chat. I do know that we can do this....its just doing it!
  • Billings, Montana here. Only one I know with PCOS would be nice to meet someone here.
  • If you look into it.....things with artificial sweetners are actually worse for you and they make you crave sugar more. They are delicious though. I think most of the problem with losing weight is that things aren't geared taht way. Restaurants give you giant portions of crap, your friends always want to go get something…
  • Ha ha, I always just try to play it off that I am always well prepared. I keep a little kit with me at all times. Tweezers, nail clippers and an array of sizes of tampons. You just never know what size you (or a friend) is gonna need! ;)
  • I always thought I was lucky. I was diagnosed 15 years ago, at age 15, with endometriosis, never really had many symptoms of PCOS except for gaining weight and not having a period. I havent ever tried getting pregnant so I never tried to fix anything. I worked out and I lost a little bit of weight. This past year has been…
  • It may just be winter. People aren't exposed to the sun as much and there isn't as much sun during the day. Start taking vitamin D3 and calcium, if your calcium is low you can't absorb the vitamin D as well. Or start tanning. Remember that an object in motion stays in motion while an object at rest stays at rest. I had to…
  • I am just starting to get my homones into balance and my diet under control, I used electrolysis and it works, I figure if I am spending the money to get waxed might as well spend it on something that will end up being permanent. Just remember that not everything works for everybody.
  • I have had PCOS for about 10 years, I was diagnosed in high school and I after battling with many different types of treatments and medications I've come to the conclusion that it is a good diet (low carb or paleo/primal) and lots of cardio and weights. Metformin made me horribly sick and I've always felt better after…
  • I have been on and off Paleo for a couple years now. I am going back on and am going back for good! I am actually going to be cooking paleo meals for others to help keep me on track. Good luck. I hope that we can share many meals on here. Good luck!