

  • Hi! I am a 34 F CW 153 GW 125-135 (I'd love 124 - wedding weight - but I'd be happy with 135!). I'm looking for a twin in the group. I am a stay at home parent of 3 kids, ages 6,3, and 1. I was 220 lbs after my last rough pregnancy, lost the weight, and I've been stagnant for 9 months. Looking for someone to form a support…
  • Hi! I am a 34 F CW 153 GW 125-135 (I'd love 124 - wedding weight - but I'd be happy with 135!). I'm looking for a twin in the group. I am a stay at home parent of 3 kids, ages 6,3, and 1. I was 220 lbs after my last rough pregnancy, lost the weight, and I've been stagnant for 9 months. Looking for someone to form a support…