I feel your pain. As a nurse there are just some days when your break is 5 minutes. I kicked my soda habit by first switching to Stevia sodas and fruit juice and carbonated water. Then I replaced the soda with Ice tea both green and black. The caffeine helped keep the energy up. A healthier choice than the candy bar are,…
- Changed my life 2 years ago.
I'm not sure where you live, but Club USA Fitness offers childcare and fitness programs for older children. My membership with my 11 year old daughter is $39/month.
I work a 12 hr night shift 3 nights a week. I start at 6:45pm and end at 7:15am. It makes for one crazy eating schedule. So I don't get too hungry I try to eat every 4 hrs. The following are my go to snacks. Homemade Trail mix: Banana chips, fruit sweetened cranberries/cherries, raw unsalted nuts(almonds, pecans,…