

  • I think you've done the right thing by asking for help. The 'weight loss experts' always say you are more likely to succeed if you have people who support you through it! Its so much easier to get up off the ground when someone is there to help you, than it is on your own. So good on you for taking that step. I'd love to…
  • I really appreciate everyone's advice. I sort of felt a bit guilty for not using my arms when working out. But now that I know its not something to take lightly. I've just been to my normal GP. Will definitely seek a specialist on this.
  • Man, both RCs! That really stinks.. Yea its my rotator cuff as quite discouraged about it. My arms are a problem area I really want to work on and sucks. I'm still doing other things but I just know how effective weights can be and feel like Im missing out a bit. Thanks for the suggestion though, I will…
  • its like a feast for your eyes ! (almost) everything is making my mouth water!
  • HI everyone, nice to hear so many stories from you all. I, too, have started mfp recently (again). Mainly to record my food and exercise so I can actually see whats happening. I joined a gym in december and have been extremely diligent to go at least 2-3 times a week, sometimes 4. I've been eating better too..more leafy…