

  • I'm in! I just started 30DS a week ago, but need to add cardio (walking/jogging perhaps?). I leave in 4 weeks for vacation, so want to see a difference by then! Pick a day/time to post updates so I know when to get on here and post.
  • Wow! Beautiful! And I love the new hair color :-)
  • LOL! I moved to the South a few years ago and can't believe how much sweet tea people drink! Diet Dr. Pepper is my favorite, too, over Diet Coke. But I only have it occasionally as a treat (one summer I stocked up on it as there was a great sale and I drank waaaaay too much of it each day!)
  • I think you answered your own question :-) I LOVE Diet Coke. For me, I prefer the taste of diet vs. regular (my mom is a Diet Coke fiend, so I grew up on the stuff). I only buy it if it's on sale, but when I do have it at the house I drink way too much! I've really been cutting back and having it as an occasional treat.…
  • WOW! What a difference in such a short time!! I just started the 30 day shred last week. I don't think I'll ever be happy with my stomach (lots of stretch marks and some excess skin from pregnancies), but I will be thrilled if I get results like yours. Way to go!