Actually, that's not true either. Have you read the Minnesota Starvation study? They were eating 1500 calories a day, half their normal daily intake, and experienced all the symptoms of starvation. In fact, the people in concentration camps ate more than you think: about 1300-1700 calories a day…
Wow, it's really nice to hear you guys just refuting starvation mode when I assume you have never experienced it. Have you eaten 800 calories consistently for several months? And lost quickly then slowed down to nothing? It does not take low body fat levels to be in starvation mode. Perhaps you might like to read this…
Really? I didn't say I was anymore, but unless YOU yo-yo dieted, I did not either. I slowly started eating up to maintenance and gained 15 lbs, just like you gained weight. And how long did it take you to gain all that weight, and when did you start losing it again?
What I was asking was how long do I stay at maintenance before I can start losing again? How do I know when my hormones are back in sync?
So are you now losing weight again? Because that still seems like a ridiculously low amount of calories if you're exercising on top of that...
I have heard all of this "myth" stuff but it seems to all come from guys. You have to understand that women are more sensitive to diets whereas guys bodies bounce back a lot quicker, hence it is much easier for guys to lose weight and women struggle more. Anyway. I was in starvation mode eating ~800 calories a day and not…