

  • I've done workout 1 about 6 times. I couldn't walk well or sit on the potty very easily for a few days, lol! But it was worth it. I need to keep going and add workout 2 eventually. I can't even imagine how it will feel to do both workouts back to back. I sweat like crazy doing this video, but it's a good sweat!
  • Hi! I'm Angie, I am actually starting the Extreme Shed and Shred tomorrow. I hope That I can still join this group...... I have already lost 43 lbs, but I still have over 50 to go. I want to kick up the exercise, so here goes!
  • I am on a 1200 calorie diet. I use a lot of skinny mom and hungry girl recipes. They are really great! Also, I eat egg substitute and fruit for breakfast, with low calorie slice of toast. I snack on pretzels, fruit, veggies, quaker snacks, etc. I enjoy a skinny cow ice cream or heavenly crisp when I crave dessert. You can…