imogen__may Member


  • Don't worry about the strength training darling, I mean its helpful to keep your body moving etc. but the most important bit is staying under your number. You need to get some scales too, make sure you measure and log everything. No guessing, you'll never manage this is you're just guessing. Work out when you can, but…
  • You can actually pick up some food scales from Amazon really cheep, even second hand. They may well be your life saver in this situation!
  • Aww! This is too cute! .. My love and I met online, on Twitter actually. I'm disabled and it was around the time the government were messing with cutting disability benefits. I'd started up a blog and asked other disabled people to write for it on different subjects. Twitter has a huge disabled community so I had lots of…
  • Hey guys, I'm new here, it's lovely to find a group of people who will really get just how hard this all is! I totally understand where you're coming from, but if you can't exercise then you just have to be super careful with what you eat. I have my cals set at about 1400 (you shouldn't go under 1200, if you we're laying…
  • I get them, I think they're fab. I'd much rather have something in my handbag/draw that I can grab as soon as I feel peckish so that I avoid rooting through the cupboards and finding crisps or chocolate!