lexiek47 Member


  • zucchini noodles are great and super healthy but i actually love shiratki noodles, ( i use the house foods ones) i don't find they have an aftertaste or weird texture at all. I usually just rinse them under warm water for about 5 minutes and then boil them for 3-5 and then add them to my dishes. i'm not a fan of real pasta…
  • my favorite dessert is tiramisu or any sort or crumble :) mmmmm
  • Shrimp and Edamame with loads of black pepper :)
  • Fish tacos (loaded with guac) Sushi Sweet potato fries :)
  • go check out pinterest for some nice inspiration! it varies from really simple to more entertaining type meals but that way you might find something that suits your taste and preferences :)
  • haha we're aware that suka means ***** in russian but they are both pure bred show-competition dogs so each litter has to have names related to a theme. ex: maki's real name is nicha maki nova (theme was astrology) and suka's is: masukagami sake (theme was wine)
  • Maki- 5 year old Sheltie Suka-3 year old Belgian Shepherd And a orange unphotogenic cat named Jules :)
  • oh and reverse crunches too!
  • russian twist, plank, plank dips, and V-sits with straight legs :)
  • If greek yogurt is too heavy, try 100g of flavored or vanilla yogurt (size of individual package) and a quarter cup of milk ,flax or chia seeds,oats and fruits
  • Vegetarian for 2 years. Due to digestion and other issues i eat fish on occasion if protein is lacking. Started as a challenge to myself just to see if i could do it since i never enjoyed meat very much but after loads of research and meeting people i stuck with it for ethical reasons and because i love this lifestyle. The…
  • hello! i feel like this is the topic for me since i've been a competitive gymnast,dancer and ccontortionist for over 10 years. I quit this year to focus on my studies and my future because 25 hours + a week was just too demanding. At first I was scared to gain weight but luckily this year i've been able to maintain and…
  • Half Korean, Half Canadian
  • wow, interesting reaction to it. For me the low FODMAPS diet is extremely useful since I just found out about my IBS. I don'T follow it strictly but definitely include some of it in my diet because it limits my stomach pain :)
  • If you're looking for healthy lunches try doing pasta salads with vegetables bought in bulk. More veggies mean that you need less pasta and less meat to fill you up. Basically always try to squeeze in as many veggies as you can so that you can save more on meat. I like making a batch of rice at the beginning of the week…
  • I eat mostly clean but a nice trick for someone who is starting out is to avoid the middle sections of the grocery store and avoid any sort of products which have more than 3 ingredients you can't pronounce like ammonium sulfate ,sodium benzoate or potassium nitrite. If you don't know what it is, don't put it in your body.…
  • I've been vegetarian for 2 years. When I first became vegetarian I thought that I could survive on peanut butter and that I could eat more junk food because HEY, not meat in these chips!! Eventually I realized that that was not the type of food I wanted in my body so I started what you could call clean eating which is…