
  • Ok so I get what you guys are saying, that I should look at my average weekly loss over a period of time. But this week, my stats based on my caloric deficit were predicting a 1.4lb loss but I actually gained 0.8lbs. I can't understand how I can gain so much when I've been in a deficit every day yet still consumed above my…
  • Would I be better off weighing myself every 4 weeks instead of on a weekly basis? That way I can see if my average is still close to the 2lbs per week even if I didn't actually lose 2lbs each week?
  • Thanks for the responses. I was under the assumption that if I had a weekly deficit of 3500, I would lose exactly 1lb every single week provided that I was eating above my BMR. I'm a little frustrated that this is not the case as I was hoping I could meticulously control exactly how much weight I lost each week.
  • As it usually only suits me to sync my armband at night before I go to bed, could I not update my calories burned on myfitnesspal at various stages throughout the day using the Ki Fit Display watch that I have? As the armband is essentially a Bodymedia FIT Advantage, it doesn't have Bluetooth so I use the display watch to…
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