D1jana Member


  • I did 82.8 miles in August and I am at 80.3 for September but I had a really light week, this week. I have 2 days to catch up and beat last month. Going out today for sure :)
  • I have a 2.5 year old and my running/ walking includes her every day. I have a jogger stroller and while its challenging, it makes me work harder. We walk/ run anywhere between 4-6 miles a day. Depending on weather and her mood :) In August, I've walked/ jogged 80 miles. This month I am already on 30 miles and the goal is…
  • I did the C25K 2 years ago and it was a great start. It helped me get back into it. But when I tried it again this year, I was bored too. SO I did exactly what you did, started my own routine and pushed myself as far as I could go and I feel better and have better results. Keep up the hard work!
  • Great job!!! Running/ jogging isn’t as easy as it looks :) However, I have found that once it starts to hurt, that’s the worst time to quit. If you just push through that hard 1/4 mile, it somehow becomes easier and smoother. I've been running on and off for a couple of years now. I ran back in school more frequently and…
  • OMGoodness. That seems dangerous. It may be good and work fast in the short run. But I highly doubt that this type of weightloss will keep the weight off long term. This could be a really big shock to your system and weight will come off really fast but as soon as they start eating more then 500 calories that will come…