

  • I have nothing in my diary yet as I only started electronic today though which is why I said I would need to add info in for you to see. There is no history in my family of thyroid problems so I think I will need to go see the doctor but thanks for trying to help anyway.
  • I have only just started using my food diary on here as I was given the details this week on how to use it. I kept a manual diary before this as I was not aware of this help that was available. If you want I will try and back date it from my manual diary if it will help?
  • I have been keeping an extremely honest diary of food and on certain days I even struggle to reach 1300 calories - I do not eat processed foods and weigh out my portions. I work out 3/4 times a week doing interval training with my PT. I am not currently on medication or have any illnesses that I am aware of. This is why I…