

  • you're not being overly dramatic... I mean the data's out there and well supported right? Trans fats are bad. If I handed you a soft drink with arsenic in it, albeit just a trace amount... would you want to drink it? In my family unit we've taken to simply referring to Trans-fat as "poison"... an exaggeration? Not really -…
  • *extends hand to help you back up onto the wagon* slips happen... and are probably unavoidable unless you're living in a household of people who have ALL "unplugged" from the "food-machine" in our (U.S) culture. and hey - fried chicken tastes good!... right? It hits all those pleasure buttons: mmm.. salt... sweet... carby.…
  • Here's a good place to brush up on Aspartame and safety.
  • yup... Diet pop is nasty stuff... hard,Hard, HARD habit to break though.. (I used to be a 2 liter-a-day Diet Dr. Pepper freak). For coffee - try Stevia... it's a natural sweetener... I had always found the stuff to be too bitter - but found a brand called "NuStevia" from NuNaturals ( - and it tastes fine…
  • looks like a nice tool to stay mindful about what I stick in my face. javascript:add_smiley('drinker','post_body') let's see if I can stick to it through the holicraze