

  • Absolutely sleep deprivation will affect your weight loss. Working night shifts have the same effect. Practically shuts your metabolism down. You need to find out why you are not sleeping at night. Everyone needs at least 6 straight hours of sleep, 7 or 8 is better. Wtih only 2 you are probably not getting the REM you…
    in Sleep Comment by satchel2 April 2010
  • Do you watch the Biggest Looser? If you do, then you know the first week all the contestants loose a lot of weight but in the second week they either gain back some or not loose at all. The body does respond to the changes with a "Whoa! Wait a minute, what's going on here?" And if you watched the reunion show, you would…
  • Take it from someone who has been on the weight loss merry go round for most of my life. I weighed close to 250 as a freshman in high school, dropped down to 135 by the time I started sophmore year. I managed to keep the weight off for a long time, until I had my second child. After I lost that weight, which took me close…
  • My son told me about this site yesterday and already I can see the advantages of joining. I think this will truly keep me motivated, gives me some accountability. :smile: