Jeskaa91 Member


  • Today I was in big w paying off my daughter's toy lay by and michelle bridges was on the tv at the counter promoting their new sports range... she is sooo insanely fit but I have to ask....would it be exhausting training that much and how could someone like meeith my body sshape and size ever look like this.... good on her…
  • Hey guys, thanks for your responses!! Im feeling so energetic eating healthier and dieting... Does anyone have a huge weight loss goal?? Id like to lose 30kilos
  • Thats great =) I really thought i wouldnt be able to do it, but given enough motorvation Ive had a good week so far..... Are you finding it difficult to come up with food ideas??
  • Well done!! thats fantastic, i love your post its so honest and true! One day i just realised you know what, i love food, but i want to love my body more!! Im only a week into my "diet" but ive cut out all sugar and most heavy carbs and im down 1.4kg already :) Keep rocking it girly!!