Empty stomach here. I workout as soon as I wake up, so I take my C4 probably 20 minutes before I get to the gym....has never bothered my stomach.
If you have only had two bad nights of sleep so far I honestly wouldn't start worrying about it yet.
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I get what you mean. My hubby is naturally tall and slim, so when he eats healthy and works out he sees results immediately. I have about 25 lbs to lose to get to my happy weight, which leaves me curvy and fit but not "skinny" by any means. I usually get jealous, but I am trying to combat it by bring confident that I will…
I think meal planning is crucial. I just finished my planning and grocery list for the week. I hang the "menu" on the refrigerator. I tend to eat the same things for breakfast and lunch a lot, but for dinners we just choose each night from the menu and I cook it. It's a lot of work on the weekend but so much easier during…