CharlieJimenez Member


  • My best recommendation for you is to overcome your "being picky" especially with vegetables. Learn to savor natural foods. We sometimes train our bodies to perform strenuous exercise, learn new skills, well let me tell you: you can train your pallet too! I was the same way. I was picky, I was fat. I tried all these…
  • The following are some foods rich in calcium compared to fat-free milk (289mg Calcium in 8 oz): Figs (506mg in just four dried figs!) Tofu (100g has 506mg) Sardines (500mg) Broccoli, 3oz (34mg) Slice of 9-10" cheese pizza (873mg) That being said, remember that not all foods in the MyFitnessPal have the Calcium and Iron up…
  • It has helped me to learn more. Learn more about exercise, and nutrition and its direct impact on health and illness. Value a meal for its nutritional value first and taste second. Set a goal of 5-10 lbs and only think about that as a milestone. It all starts with really wanting it. Remember that the beginning is really…
  • The transversus abdominis muscle is activated before initiating any kind of movement that involves stabilizing the core, your body automatically compresses the abdominal region when for example you bend to pick something off the floor, etc. Exercises that work the core (rectus abdominus - the "six-pack" muscle, the…