AbiJenkins12345 Member


  • …hang on… you're toned and you've shed inches!!?? surely you've proven you're doing it! nearly 3 weeks in and you've lost inches! Be chuffed, it's a heck of a lot to be proud of! the weight will manage itself,
  • Aw, jbug, keep going. it's been proven that it takes a minimum of 3 weeks to get into a new habit, or routine. but i promise you, it will happen for you. i hate reading that other people have been successful, when I've myself, had a rubbish few, but it's got to be a personal goal, not one you're doing for anyone else……
  • i need the support too - so if it's okay with you, I'll join in today.... I lost almost 2 stone when I started the 30 day shred 2 years ago, this year a stone has crept it's way back onto my hips... saddlebags, so I need the motivation, I can't even get up the stairs without getting puffed out.
  • mega impressed and totally inspired! Well done!